這次位於倫敦傳播學院名為“中國漫畫”的特展中可以看到幾幅我的作品以及少數幾位台灣漫畫家的作品。實質上是介紹華語圈漫畫的展覽,策展人Paul Gravett希望能加入一些來自台灣的聲音。日期:2008 / 3 / 7 至 4 / 11
Here are some photos of my artworks and works of my friends from Taiwan at this Manhua exhibition. Regardless of the political implication, "Manhua! China Comics Now" is in spirit an exhibition of comics from the Chinese-speaking world, artists from Taiwan were also invited by the curator Paul Gravett.
Manhua! Exhibition @ London College of Communication, Elephant & Castle, London SE1 6SB