
thyu.net 更新: 首次架設的 Flash 網站

我首次架設的 Flash 互動式網站 thyu.net 現在支援鍵盤快速鍵了, 可使用 [A, S, Z, X] 及 [空白鍵] 進入選項, [返回刪除鍵] 返回, [上, 下, 左, 右] 四個方向鍵作上下瀏覽和左右翻頁. 這次大幅改版一方面實踐了我以圖形主導網站閱覽的想法, 另一方面也經由實作學習 Flash ActionScript 而增加工作優勢.

'有熊式 迷宮' 網址改為: mazes.thyu.net

For the first time, I've just changed thyu.net into an interactive Flash web site. The really cool thing of it is that it now fully supports keyboard shortcuts - using [A, S, Z, X] and [Space] key to navigate each area, [Backspace] to return, and the 4 direction keys to scroll and to turn pages. You can find a hint of these usage and messages once you enter the site, I hope you enjoy this new design.

By the way, maZes site has changed its URL to mazes.thyu.net.